Thank you to my Wonderful Mum for helping me out by hand stitching the tapestry panels of my waistcoat!!! An absolute star, hope I do them justice!! I designed them, hope you like! :)
Fashion Fantasist xx
“Fashion allows fantasy, and I’m a fantasist. I love beautiful clothes – but I couldn’t give a monkey’s what’s on the catwalks.” – Tim Walker.
"My collection is inspired by eighteenth century England design, in particular the Georgian interiors of Holkham Hall. I found the tapestries really interesting. I liked how a flat 2D object conveyed so much detail and depth. Using drawn and photographic trompe l’oeil techniques I have tried to create flat jersey garments that give the illusion of drapes, folds and worn details.
To capture some of the feel of the tapestries that inspired me I have incorporated hand sewn tapestry sections into some of my garments.
I also found the collections of mundane objects in the kitchens of Holkham Hall oddly inspiring, and I have used the idea of a collection of jelly moulds to create a whimsical and unique design feature to add a touch of humour to my collection."